Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fashion Show Details!
Male models: The Project Graduation '13 Fashion Show needs more male models for this popular event on Sunday, April 21! There is no better Mother's day, Valentine's Day or Birthday gift than having Mom get the memory of her son “walking the runway” in the Senior Fashion Show! Please email/text your name and cell phone to any of the three co-chairs – ASAP! They are Suzanne Golabek ( or 201-316-7355) and Jill Rota ( or 201-264-0546) and Angela Tapia ( or 201-220-8905).
Auction items: The Silent Auction at the Fashion Show helps raise much money for PG-13, and depends on the generosity of parents and friends who donate auction items. Suggestions include a stay at a vacation home; tickets to sporting or theater events; themed baskets (sports, cooking, pets, etc.); gift certificates to restaurants or specialty shops; spa and manicure gift certificates; sporting goods; gardening supplies, gifts appropriate for graduates … use your imagination! Nothing is too small or too large. If you have a friendly relationship with a local merchant, now is the time to solicit a donation! In the past, groups of friends have teamed up and designed creative baskets. In addition, cash donations are always welcome and will be put to good use. Project Graduation is a registered 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, making all donations full tax deductible.
For more information about the fashion show, email

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