Monday, March 11, 2013

PG-13 Build - Let the construction begin!!

A note from Matt Lanza:
On behalf of the design and construction team for PG-13, I’d like to thank everybody who came to the new space yesterday. And if you could not make it, don’t worry – there’s plenty left to do. We have a great bunch of talented people, and though the project is big, we should have a lot of fun getting it done together.
This week:
Friday: 3 to 6 p.m. - We are looking for volunteers to move our stuff out of BF. The timing is a little funny; we have to get there after school ends, but before the school’s locked up for the weekend. Tarleton Landscaping is letting us borrow their box truck for the night, so we can unload Saturday. Please let us know if you’re available so that we know if we have enough people. And if you see Mike Tarleton around town, feel free to say thanks.
Saturday: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. - We are working Saturday. What exactly we’re doing depends on whether or not the trailer can be moved during the week. We’ll keep you posted.
Moving forward: Starting next week, our meeting schedule will be Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7 to 10 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 80 Commerce Drive, Allendale (entrance at back of building). Even if you can only spare an hour, we’d love to have you. This schedule will change and more days will be added as we go along.
It would be great to get a group going to work during school days. If anyone is interested/available, please let us know.
One other thing: We need a graphic designer to create some components for the build. If you know anybody, twist their arm a bit.
That’s all for now. We’ll send out an email later in the week when we have a definite plan for Saturday.
Matt Lanza, Construction Chair

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